When we decided to start blogging Matt told me to just start the one Blog instead of trying to do two. Unfortunately, he was right, as usual (though I will rarely admit it). But, by giving this one up for an entire week, I have found that there are things I don't want to put on our other blog that I don't mind ranting about here. Though I am not planning on putting a ton of posts on here, maybe it will be a little more personal. 

To view all of our posts  just  go to www.SheerElegancePhotography.blogspot.com



Thursday, July 24, 2008


I stopped by my grandparent's house last night to pick up the mail only to find that their house had been broken into! I had taken the trash cans up from the curb and walked around the back and found the back door kicked in... *ugh* they are the most giving people I have ever met. That this would happen to them of all people is just heart breaking. I called my aunt/sister who is in charge of watching the house and I called the cops. I wasn't crazy enough to go in there by myself!! I was a kid in this house - I know that there are TONS of places to hide, some you would never be found in! Friends of mine from college will attest - we had many very crazy games of hide-and-go-seek there - even as adults!! The cops had to go and we had to wait for the processing unit to come. So, I called my dad! Having been in law enforcement for years and being a very large and scary looking man, who else would I call?! He and my brother and, of course, my darling husband all came to the rescue (baby in-tow might I add). We were there til about 2 am... (needless to say I have a very cranky child). It just breaks my heart to see that. It is such a scary thing. It scares me to be in that house alone even still, and i'm 25 - even when it hasn't been broken into! *sigh* but, so be it, and all we can do is go from here. And maybe buy them a pit-bull or two... 


Sarah said...

How horrible. It is so frustrating and scary when these types of things happen. Poor Kylan I bet he is tired today.

Kevin and Natali McKee said...

I didn't know you were still doing this blog. That is really terrible that someone broke in. I found a killer hiding spot. I think I banged on walls till people found me, so scary to think a bad guy is hiding. Did they destroy the place?

Boomers Bunch said...

I'm glad you are ok and that nothing of real value was taken although the back door being kicked in is horrible